Living Norway Open Science Lab – Kick-off: the big umbrella of open science

Kick-off: the big umbrella of open science Teams

What is “open science” and what should our Open Science Lab be? There are a lot of different things that can be considered as parts of “open science”. We’ll organise an interactive brainstorming session and group discussion on the different aspects of Open Science. Leading on from that discussion, we’ll then introduce our vision forContinue reading "Living Norway Open Science Lab – Kick-off: the big umbrella of open science"

Best practices for accessible and reproducible code

What makes code accessible and reproducible, and what the GitHub hype is all about More and more publishers are starting to require publishing of code and software alongside scientific papers and data. Unlike for data, standards for publishing code are lagging somewhat behind though. In this seminar we’ll talk about why publishing neat code matters,Continue reading "Best practices for accessible and reproducible code"